Category: Guttering and Siding

Taking care of your roof is not just about repair or replacement. Proper maintenance plays an important part if you want your roofing system to keep functioning efficiently.

Replacing Eavestrough in Winnipeg: What You Need to Know

Replacing Eavestrough in Winnipeg: What You Need to Know

Eavestroughs, also known as gutters, are an essential component of any home. They collect rainwater and direct it away from your home’s foundation, preventing water damage and erosion. Over time, eavestrough can become damaged or worn out, and may need to be replaced. If you’re considering replacing your eavestrough in Winnipeg, here’s what you need […]

Winnipeg Roof Eaves: All You Need To Know About Them

Winnipeg Roof Eaves: All You Need To Know About Them A PERFECTLY INSTALLED WINNIPEG ROOF EAVES

You wake up each morning sheltered beneath the Winnipeg roof eaves of your home, likely unaware of their critical role. Yet these projecting edges ringing your roof support proper drainage, protect wood and masonry from water damage, and even help regulate indoor temperatures. Throughout this article, we’ll explore what exactly eaves are, why they matter, […]

Eavestrough Vs Gutter: The Difference And The Best Choice

Eavestrough Vs Gutter: The Difference And The Best Choice a roof gutter with a white gutter attached to it

Looking up at your home’s roofline, you may notice a trough or channel that collects and diverts rainwater. This important fixture prevents water damage, but do you know the difference between an eavestrough vs gutter? Understanding the nuances helps determine the best system for your Winnipeg residence.  Statistics show improper drainage causes thousands in repair […]

What Is Eavestrough: 4 Things You Need To Know

What Is Eavestrough: 4 Things You Need To Know a roof with an eavestrough system and vines growing on it

As a Winnipeg resident, you’re no stranger to harsh winters and heavy snowfalls. But did you know your home’s eavestroughs play a crucial role in protecting it from water damage?  Most homeowners know gutters collect rainwater, but only a few realize the extent of their importance.  This article will explore four essential things you need […]


Taking care of your roof is not just about repair or replacement. Proper maintenance plays an important part if you want your roofing system to keep functioning efficiently. Your roof is much more than just your shingles. It is made up of different parts and each of them needs proper maintenance. Gutters play an important […]

Drip Edge: Importance and Benefits

Drip Edge: Importance and Benefits Drip-Edge

There are numerous components that make up a roofing structure, but since they make up such a significant part of the roofing system, shingles are the ones that homeowners are most familiar with. Being familiar with the various components of your roof and how they work will help you better understand how to care for […]


GUTTER GUARDS: Why You Need One A hand putting gutter on the roof

Importance of Gutters A roof is an essential part of your home that needs proper care to make sure that it stays strong to protect you and your family from the harm of the weather and other external elements.  Since your gutter is a part of your roof, making sure that gutters are cleaned and […]

Autumn/ Fall: The Perfect Season for Roofing Replacement.

Autumn/ Fall: The Perfect Season for Roofing Replacement. A white house in the middle of a trees with orange leaves

If you’ve been planning on getting a new roof installation or roof replacement for your home, Fall is the perfect time to schedule your roofing plans! Fall season roof installations are supported by most roofers, and in light of current circumstances. The occupied, sweltering summer season is finished, and you’re probably going to land your […]

The Importance of Gutter Maintenance

The Importance of Gutter Maintenance gutter cleaning

Good gutter maintenance may not be the most exciting topic of conversation, but it is still really important. There is no single answer that is correct for every home, but make sure you clean your gutters ASAP if you notice any overflowing, leaking, or water in your house that shouldn’t be there. Gutter blockages are […]

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